Success Stories


Breast cancer healed in one year!

When Janelle was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer her entire life was turned upside down. She was caught completely off guard. She had always kept her regular checkups so this came as a shock. Her diagnosis was a grade 3 very aggressive form of breast cancer and she was told by her doctors that she would need to start treatment immediately.  From the moment she was diagnosed she felt like she was having a constant panic attack. Everything felt like it was moving so fast and she had a lot of unanswered questions.  


Stage 4 B-Cell Lymphoma healed!!

When Leonardo came to us he had been given a terminal diagnosis of stage 4 lymphoma. But God had other plans…  “When I found out that I had cancer.  I was scared.  I had no support system and no family to help.  I did not have a lot of confidence in the doctors. So, I began to search out holistic approaches to cancer until I found Breakthrough Cancer Coaching.”  My biggest struggle was not knowing what to do and dealing with what the western doctors were advising when I felt that I couldn’t trust them.  


Breast cancer healed in one year!

When Janelle was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer her entire life was turned upside down. She was caught completely off guard. She had always kept her regular checkups so this came as a shock. Her diagnosis was a grade 3 very aggressive form of breast cancer and she was told by her doctors that she would need to start treatment immediately.  From the moment she was diagnosed she felt like she was having a constant panic attack. Everything felt like it was moving so fast and she had a lot of unanswered questions.  


Healed from surgery, radiation and chemo with few side effects and living cancer free!
Donna’s personal testimony:

“In June of 2017 I went for a routine mammogram when I realized that it had been a little over a year and I wanted to have it done before our upcoming vacation. I was shocked when I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade 2. I WAS fortunate in that it was caught early and the tumor was small at around 5 mm. We cancelled our vacation and scheduled my upcoming surgery.


Cancer Recurrence Healed With No Conventional Treatment!

“Before joining Cancer Coaching, I felt like I knew what was good for me but I didn’t have all the details on how to go about conquering cancer on my own. After going through conventional treatment once I absolutely knew I didn’t want that again. It literally almost killed me. My biggest struggles with chemotherapy was the fact that it brought down my immunity so far I never thought I’d be well again. I was so tired, weak and sick I could barely sit up in the end. I had no nutrition counseling and ate all the wrong foods. It took me years to feel better.

George and Maria

Terminal Stage 4 Small Cell Lung Cancer Healed!!

In the beginning I was very lost. I felt frustrated with how to deal with all of this, incredibly stressed, anxious and confused.  In 2019 I had the cancer tumor removed from my bladder. Unfortunately, I later had to have a second surgery to remove my bladder and prostate and I was informed my cancer had spread to my lungs and lymph nodes. I made a huge change in my diet and life. The program helped me stay focus on healing, it provided me with how to deal with the situation. The Breakthrough Cancer program was sent to us by God and through Matt White, our prayers were answered.

Find out if Breakthrough Cancer Coaching is right for you.

Click the button to schedule a call with us to get clarity on how to start healing your cancer today....